360 Digital Art

When I was at VidCon a few years ago, I played around with a 360 degree camera — the Ricoh Theta V. I was immediately smitten. I loved the idea of shooting 360 photos and videos that show the entire world around you. So I made a bunch of interactive images, which live here on my 360 Panoramas page.

I also discovered all the creative things you can do with a 360 degree photo. And you can do a lot. These spherical photographs are ripe for image manipulation — you twist and distort pictures until they evolve into eye-catching pieces of digital art. Tiny planets show a circular beauty. Inverted planets create wormholes out of thin air. And some manipulated photos are just, well, interesting. So I experimented with different 360 photo techniques to see what I could create. I even brought my cosplay rabbit alter-ego, J.D. Rabbit, into the mix.

So take a look at the tiny planets, cosplay creations, and distorted digital artwork below. You can find more on my Instagram. And if you want any of my artistic oddities on a phone case or t-shirt, check out my RedBubble shop.

Check out tiny planets and digital art on my Instagram!